I am also curious how each one of us can develop a personal vocabulary that lies beyond the ‘ready-made’ language and gesture that we have established. How can we develop new ways of knowing and of communicating via First person perception? Why might it be useful to speak of moments where we have felt connected to certain phenomena? We live in a world of fragmentation and of generalization where empiric science seems to give all answers. I am interested how our conscious experienced physical self can take part in a dialogue around ecology, sustainable living, activism and climate change. I am curious to develop our individual physical and verbal vocabulary that arises out of the conscious experienced interface between self and environment. This performance is a PHYSICAL CHORUS, a personal poetic reflection, A CALL FOR TRANSFORMATION, An activist stance, A collective stand for earthly citizenship, A scream for non violent communication, an act of collective consciousness, a window to empathy and an invitation to dream.
The Laboratory of Living Architecture
18th,19th,20th Jan.
Pune Art Biennale 2017
This project was funded by the Austrian Cultural Forum New Delhi and supported by the Pune Biennale Foundation.
The laboratory of living architecture is an enquiry into a more fluid understanding and inhabiting of urban space. It wants to look at a creative repatterning of how we think, see and ultimately move in and within architectural spaces. As Social Choreography this work acts on multiple layers and wants to release fixed notions of how we regard the architctures that house our urban lives. It is a relational
dialogue in three parts in which different notions of architecture and civic agency are the enquiry.