A curated exhibition by Minou Tsambika
In the light of the many paradigm shifts in both eco and socio-political spheres, this collective exibition investigates the concept of body from a variety of different perspectives. In the foreground stands the philosophy of the ‘ecological body’. One that knows itself as intrinsically and reciprocally connected with the world around as interactive part of the whole.
As curator, I am looking for connective practices and connective artworks that speak of our physical relation with the environment and with the Zeitgeist that we live in. I am interested to highlight the depth of holistic understanding that can arise if we incorporate the physical intelligence that lives in each of us, into our every day lives. The changing climate is only one example to call on the remembrance of our own physique. As physical beings in a physical world.
Many Thanks to all artists!
Jumana Hokahn, Syria/UK
Nora Welle, AT
Isis Maria Varkonyi,AT
Kate Abolins, UK
Darren jan Sutton, UK
Markus Stefan, DE
Annelinde Kirchgasser, DE/NL
Kerstin Möller, DE
Rob McDonald, UK
Karin Maria Braith, AT
Walter Leo Handler, AT

'Scores for a Widening Field'
Nomadic Art Festival, Poland
28 - 31 August 2014
A photographic exhibition
‘At the heart of today’s ecological crisis lies a terrible failure to understand the essence of our relationship with the natural world’
- Shelley Sacks
This little showcase explores body practice in the heat of shifting systems and new forming world orders. It investigates how body practice can sit within active agendas dealing with the current state of the world. Minou works in natural environments as one way of initiating an alive connection with the wider ecology and locale, emancipating a sense of belonging, creatively moving, composing and participating in the world that we live in.
Minou invites the viewer into a landscape in which human being and environment inform each other creating more than poetic imagery but the attempt to call on the work with our whole physical and intellectual selves as sentient beings in a sentient world.
I am looking for a new expanded definition of choreographer and movement practitioner. One that operates as activist and composer of a more sustainable future. Who looks at ‘how things move’ in this world and who develops new imaginative capacities to become fit and flexible in order to feel at home in this constant evolving climate.